Food elitism is a serious affliction in our society today.
I’m totally kidding, but it is something I’ve noticed a lot lately.
I don’t think it necessarily comes from malice, but more so from people with a passion for health, quality food and a strong belief in the way they choose to eat.
Oh hey there, fancy breakfast.
Have I been guilty of this? Probably. I’m sorry. Perhaps my passion for real food has made me share why all the garbage in a processed slice of plastic-wrapped cheese will keep them from feeling their best (I’m sorry Jenny ).
But food shaming is no way to spread information or to create a good change towards healthier eating for our society.
Grocery store sushi (I know David just cringed).
I’m not immune from feeling the other side either. Just as I strongly believe in eating whole, unprocessed food as much as possible, there are others who feel just as strongly, if not more so, about not eating animals, or grains, or dairy.
Took my first Pure Barre class yesterday! Tell you more about it soon!
I’ve been told I’m destroying my child’s health by giving her cow’s milk. I’ve been told that gluten will make me sick and fat. I’ve been told that eating beef is cruel and will wreck havoc on my cholesterol.
Then what the heck is left to eat?!
Delicious combo of farmers market tomato, cucumber, fresh basil, feta, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
And clearly I need to clean my camera lens.
I’ve said it before, but health is so personal and we are all starting from different points. Finding your own healthy means a lot of trial and error and finding the balance that leaves YOU feeling fueled and satisfied. Feelings of shame and guilt don’t help anyone along in their journey.
I’m against food shaming, food snobbery and saying ‘ewwww’ when someone else is eating something you don’t like, healthy or not.
I’m all for sharing information, personal stories and recipes that you love. I love reading about what works for someone and why, whether it floats my boat or not.
But nobody actually learns anything from a food snob. I know I don’t. When someone looks down on me for eating chips, it makes me want to shove them all in my mouth and grin at them from with my crumb-laden smile.
Chowing down on chips, salsa and cheese last night.
I’m going to continue to share what works for me and why. That has evolved over time and maybe it will evolve from where I am now. If you’re reading my blog at all, then you must have some interest in health (or maybe just put up with my rambling to see cute pictures of Hailey?). And as people with an interest in personal health, our collective mission should be to educate and inspire, not to food-shame.
After all, we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously anyways.
Hydrating face masks at Susan’s Arbonne party last night.
Thanks for hosting WIAW, Jenn 🙂
Have you ever felt shamed for eating something?
Caitlin says
I was thinking about this just recently and I truly believe food shaming and all these foods we label as bad and off-limits are only leading to disordered eating behavior. Eat food that’s good for you and that makes you happy. Determine your own diet based on your own personal beliefs and not what someone else is telling you to eat, or not eat. Thank you for this post!
blackhuff says
Numerous times I have been left feeling shamed for some stuff I am eating or some way. But like you say, healthy eating is something different to all and all starts at a different point than anyone else. I came to a point where I decided that I will do what is working for me and I choose to eat everything unprocessed.
Parita says
A lot of people ask me if I make Vishnu eat my healthy food (like that’s a bad thing) now that we’re married. I don’t take offense because I know he likes what we eat. That’s all that matters. But sometimes I really want to scream, “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!”
Nicole @ FruitnFitness says
This is a great post! It’s important to remember that people make the food decisions that work best for them and their is no reason to judge them or make them feel bad for their choices. The people I used to work with always made fun of me, sometimes jokingly, for the strange oatmeal breakfast combinations I would bring to work. More times that I would like to admit I have judged what is in others grocery carts. Although I try, I don’t always eat the healthiest and there is no reason I should judge someone for a cart full of mt. dew and poptarts. It is their choice to eat what they want to.
Brittany Dixon says
I’ve been guilty of grocery cart judging too, especially when I see kids in the cart and it’s full of cookies and juice boxes. BUT me being rude doesn’t help anyone, so instead I just keep trying to share how DELICIOUS healthy food is! Thanks for your comment Nicole 🙂
Karen says
I sometimes feel bad for what I eat but I don’t feel I really eat anthing too bad or weird. I know what I am putting into my body and making sure I try and stay as healthy as possible. But I also feel that I only live once so if I want to have a dessert one night, I will have it. I am trying to add more clean eating to my diet but lately just been craving carbs and more carbs. One thing I hate about the summer…ha-ha!!
Beth Sheridan says
I love this! It is hard sometimes to make healthy food choices, and I ALWAYS allow myself some type of sweet treat everyday, but it is not right to judge others by what they decide to eat or not eat. Great post 🙂
Marie says
Hi Brittany, I love your blog! I have been reading for a while:). I’m just wondering if there is anyway you could adjust the font back to the bigger size it used to be. Its just a little difficult for me to read on my screen.
Brittany Dixon says
Hey Marie! I’ve had someone else comment about the font size, too, but I don’t know what to do. For most people, myself included, it’s normal sized. I’ll ask around and see if I can figure out why it is showing up smaller to a handful of people. That’s got to be annoying- I’m sorry!
Shelly says
Just chiming in that I have the same problem. For me it shows up the right size when I first click over to the site but then immediately shrinks to a smaller size. It looks fine on my phone and iPad (so maybe it’s something with Internet Explorer?).
Lauren B. says
Love this post! I have been a victim off food shaming, being ridiculed for being “so healthy.” I’ve also been on the other side, quietly judging someone else for eating junk. This post is a great reminder. Thx!
Kelli H says
Food shaming is so mean sometimes! I was at my best friends birthday BBQ & her boyfriend bought chicken and hot dogs to BBQ. Her boyfriend asked her other friend which she’d prefer and she replied “I don’t eat YOUR meat”. When he asked what she meant, she explained that she only eats local, organic, free range chicken, and would never eat what he bought. It was just so mean. I understand and agree that you should always try to eat that kind of meat, but when someone’s gone out of their way to be nice and throw a BBQ, can’t you just suck it up for one night, or at least pretend your a vegetarian? The way she said it was so cruel and felt like a personal attack on him!
Brittany Dixon says
I totally agree with this! I eat ‘my way’ as much as I can at home, but when as a guest I think it’s so rude to point out what you would NEVER eat. Just fill your plate with what you will eat and SHUT UP. 😉
Stephanie says
I completely believe you that there is a ton of “crap” in plastic wrapped cheese…however I have a cheese craving 20 month old!! Do you have any secrets or ideas of what to give in place of this?
Brittany Dixon says
Well, clearly you should make your own cheese from raw, pasture raised milk in glass bottles… 😉
I was referring to the individual single-wrapped cheeses that I was giving my friend in Boston a hard time about, but H loves cheese, too. I just buy the blocks (I love Cabot and a local cheese made in Asheville) and slice her pieces off.
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
You said it well my friend! 🙂 Couldn’t agree with you more!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
At first I thought that my computer screen was dirty when I saw that salad pictures…haha, too funny! 😉
And I cannot wait to hear more about the Barre class! I have been really thinking about attending one, but I want to hear others’ opinions about it first.
Presley @ Run Pretty says
I have coworkers who say things like “No, Presley won’t eat that, SHE ONLY EATS VEGETABLES”, like that’s totally bizarre. haha I do eat other things, by the way. A lot of other things. I don’t understand why people get so fixated on the differences between lifestyles and food choices. Honestly, as with most other “judging”, I think it comes from a place of insecurity. People aren’t *sure* they are eating or doing what they should (for themselves), so they like to point out other people’s choices. I’m all about eating and living however you think is best. Unless you’re my husband, because I *will* boss you around at the dinner table. 😉
Brittany Dixon says
Ha, your pooooooor husband! 😉 JK. People knock on David, too, for being subjected to eating all my wacky health food. It’s amazing how healthy can be such a bad thing worth picking on to some people!
julia says
i think i might be a food snob…i need to work on that!
I just saw this video and I wanted to send it to you:
I’ve seen on here that you support some of the private zoos near you and I wanted to make sure you are aware of some of the sad truths about some of these places. I think that zoos definitely have a place in this world, as they perhaps make you and your family more interested in conservation efforts after seeing these beautiful animals, but I think it comes at a high cost to the individual animal.
love your blog very much fyi, just wanted to keep you updated on some of these zoo issues.
Brittany Dixon says
Scared to watch this video in fear I might bawl my eyes out, but thanks for passing it along. I always like to try and educate myself more on issues I don’t know much about!
Casey says
I completely agree that what you eat and why is SUCH a personal choice! I’m lucky that my husband, friends and coworkers are totally supportive of my food choices, but my in-laws and parents sometimes unintentionally shame the “healthy” way I eat or choose to feed my son. I wonder when healthy became a bad word?! I try really hard not to be judgemental of others’ food choices and would hope for the same from everyone else. I also don’t want to be shamed for occasionally having a handful of Doritos if that is what I am craving! It’s all about honoring your personal beliefs, choices and cravings!
Brittany Dixon says
I know! I feel like I see just as much healthy-food shaming and junk-food shaming. Especially with what I feed Hailey. I’ve actually had someone tell me I’m depriving her. Seriously? Because she doesn’t drink juice and eat cookies everyday? I just laugh it off and move on. Keep doing what you’re doing Casey! 🙂
Dawn says
I was just going to comment that I have had people tell me I am depriving my daughter because I don’t give her certain types of food. Really? She is healthy, happy and does not know the difference.
char eats greens says
I love it! I try to take a neutral approach for sure, especially since I am vegan. I would never expect someone (or everyone) to understand my food preferences and feel that same way!! I enjoy seeing what other people are preparing, eating and sharing whether I’d eat it or not!! I hope I’m not a food snob – but I think I am when it comes to fresh, unprocessed as well. I like it real, yo!!
Lindsey @ Pas de Deux says
Great post, and great reminder, Brittany! I know what I have found works well for me, and while I want to share my approach with others, ultimately, they have to find their own “healthy.”
I took my first Pure Barre class yesterday, too! I can’t wait to hear what you thought…
Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome says
Love this! I agree 100% that food and diet is so personal. I eat the way I eat because I feel best when I do. I stay away from certain foods others might eat but never criticism them for their choices. I might have to bite my tongue a little at some choice people make but I’ve gotten good at that 🙂 Can’t wait to hear about the Barre class! I’ve been wanting to take one!
She Rocks Fitness says
LOVE this post and yes people have looked at me weird and said snarky remarks with what I eat, but I don’t care anymore, because I LOVE food and all food. I eat what works for me, my lifestyle, and what makes my mind and belly happy. I eat well most of the time, but I love wine, cupcakes, and yes I will eat that cheeseburger and fries and clean my plate thank you very much! 🙂
Danica @ It's Progression says
This is so so true….
Sometimes I think that when we’re promoting HEALTH and certain whole foods, we forget that we have to be careful about being encouraging rather than judgmental. If we want to influence others in a positive way we have to treat them with a positive attitude and show them KINDLY AND RESPECTFULLY why certain changes and choices can be beneficial, not make them feel bad because of any choices they currently make.
Thanks for the reminder!!
Jennifer says
Mmmmmm….Kraft singles!!! How else would one make a grilled cheese?!
christina says
I love this post but I’m so excited to see what you thought about PB!!
Liz says
Everything in moderation I say. I love chips too and I will have some every now and then, but not all the time and every time. I also love beef, pork and chicken and will also have that in moderation. Those are my personal feelings.
Tina @ Best Body Fitness says
A-men!!!! I hate people who are all high and mighty on their ways of eating. I get if something works for you wanting to share it…but not in an “it’s the ONLY way and you’re disgusting if you don’t” type of attitude. Just do what works for you.
Kim says
Hi Brittany! I read your blog from New Zealand and have never commented before but this post really struck a chord with me. I am conscious about what I put in my body and work really hard to stay away from preservatives and packaged food (even though that junk tastes so good!). It amazes me the attitude I get from people in my workplace – it is almost like my healthy food choices are a personal affront. At the end of the day I try and remember it is their insecurities about what they eat that drives the comments but it does frustrate me – especially when I don’t even think to look at what is on their plate!
Jan @ Sprouts n Squats says
I think it is so true that you never know what is going on with someone and why they eat or don’t eat a certain way. I think you can food shame without really knowing the full picture but it is good to catch yourself doing it. I think you have to do what is right for you but also recognise what works for you doesn’t work for others.
I try and avoid packaged food as much as possible now but I used to be a huge advocate of ‘diet processed foods’ to lose weight but that was before I felt I knew any better.
Liz @ iheartvegetables says
Its funny because I think the blog world is an AMAZINGLY awesome, supportive community, but I will say that’s where I’ve felt the most pressure to eat/not eat certain foods, and I shouldn’t let it get to me. Now that I’ve been more relaxed in my eating, I’ve felt so much better!
Eating 4 Balance says
I feel like everyone says “health is individual” and “everyone is different.” Blah blah blah. But most don’t actually believe it. I really think that you do though. I’ve seen vegan bloggers post their healthified version of ____ (maybe a tofu burger with sweet potato fries for example) and then go on to state how bad all meat is for you. Then the next day they will complain about being judged by meat-eaters for being hippies.
Then there are paleo bloggers who claim that everyone who eats grains are going to fall over with some horrible disease…. Next we have those who are “balanced” following the basic 80/20. You would think these people who be the most open to other diets but no– anyone who does not indulge in unhealthy food is too restrictive.
Obviously I could go on and on, but really, I’m so tired of everyone being so judgmental! We all are trying to accomplish the same goal of a healthy, pain-free, long life and even though we each choose different paths to reach that destination doesn’t mean that anyone is wrong.
Rebekah Anderson says
Hi Brittany,
Glad you posted this. I try to eat healthy in general, but I am not to the point where I’m buying everything organic and all natural, and since I’m no great cook, buying things in big chunks or wholesale is intimidating to me. I’m just trying to survive the day to day with a toddler and one on the way, and I sometimes wonder how you pull it off!
But you do a great job! I do feel that while I don’t mind (and in fact admire) many who eat uberly healthy, I get looked down on for not getting all things organic or for giving my daughter graham crackers here and there instead of making (and controlling) ALL the snacks that go into her mouth. Sigh. Then I end up copping an attitude about how much $ others spend on speciality groceries when that’s not my business, either.
I am currently trying to nix aspartame in any and all stuff we eat that’s sweet, and making sure we’re all drinking more water. But other than that, it’s baby steps. I appreciate your making all those who are as all-natural as you aware that others may want to take those steps but not everyone has the time, resources, motivation OR talent (or all of the above!) to pull it off as well as you. But, I am trucking along making sure we don’t eat pizza all the time. 🙂
I liked your potato chip comment. I get that feeling, too, sometimes. 🙂
Michelle says
Love this post. Especially in the food blogging community, it’s easy for pretentiousness to creep up. It’s all about community, right? And it’s so much more positive to support rather than judge 🙂
Isabel Marant outlet says
There are some interesting cut-off dates in this article but I don? know if I see all of them middle to heart. There’s some validity however I will take maintain opinion till I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we wish extra! Added to FeedBurner as nicely
gucci says
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Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
One of my favorite phrases from summer camp was “Don’t yuck my yum!” which I think applies here…and even though I rarely reference them, one of the Smart Kitchen “rules” is NO SNOBS. I think it is important to do what works for you, and not judge others. Judgement is really the issue.
I have no idea where I’m going with this comment except to say I love that you wrote this post. 🙂
Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen says
Also, the way to walk the line between snob and “educator” is to wait until people either ask about your choices, question them (but you have to respond without being offended or defensive), or just eye your lunch curiously. 🙂
Clare @ Fitting It All In says
Love this! Absolutely. Bioindividuality.
lindsay says
amen amen! I think there is so much confusion in food. I blame part of that to the FDA. They allow so much crap. But when we find what makes us feel best, we go with it. It changes all the time because we change and evolve. Simple, right? I wonder what trend is going to be next. Hmmm…
Kate Walsh says
Definitely agree with this article. I think we have so much more to gain when we take a collective, sharing approach, i.e. “I have found this diet really helpful and here’s some ways to try it” vs assuming someone else is ignorant because they have a different opinion on dairy, meat, whatever. My boyfriend got me into a vegan diet just by cooking really good vegan food and I realized that I really liked the way I felt eating vegan (though I definitely realize this diet is not for everyone). Thanks for the post!
smithsophiagrace says
Eating healthy saves us from medication. With how you eat, I am sure you are maintaining an incredible health. This inspires me to try what I find not too sumptuous and delicious looking because they usually are the most nutricious.
smithsophiagrace says
*nutritious 🙂
Chantal says
I get told I’m crazy because we limit our grains and dairy, try to eat unprocessed foods and organic, when we can. I just don’t get it!
Julie@teachinggoodeaters says
Bravo!!! Love this… it is something I struggle with soooo much and really holds me back in my blogging.