1. Koda’s ears sound like a helicopter taking flight first thing in the morning. She sleeps beside our bed and wakes up when one of us first gets up. Like clockwork, she hops out of bed, performs a fierce downward dog, then proceeds to wake the neighborhood up with her ear shake.
2. Yesterday afternoon was a tough one. I was feeling rundown and Hailey was in the toddler mood where somehow she only wanted to do things she shouldn’t. She threw dry pasta all over the kitchen, climbed up on tables and had a couple of meltdowns. I did my best to distract her. Naked driveway time (for her, not me) worked well enough until 5:30 when I gave into an episode of Curious George and my wine glass.
3. October is broken. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be 87 degrees. I guess I’ll try to revel in another day or two of salads and the grill as I look forward to the 70s that next week should bring.
4. Running is intriguing me again. When Hailey is in school I’ve been lacing up and pounding pavement with Koda. Well, ‘pounding pavement’ may be a bit dramatic. We haven’t gone past 2.5 miles yet, but I’m loving that I’m ENJOYING it. I’ve also busted out a couple circuits this week. My disdain for burpees is confirmed, but my shoulders and inner thighs are pleasantly sore.
5. It’s odd that it’s a Friday and we don’t have any weekend plans. Not even a clean-out-the-front-flower-bed kind of plan (which desperately needs to be done). This should feel freeing, right? Instead it makes me feel unnerved. OCD much?
6. Has anyone tried making Jell-O worms? I really want to try this. I don’t know what ‘d do with them, but I just want to grab handfuls of them and scream WORMS! then stuff them in my mouth.
7. Ok, ok. I’m not mad at the warm temperatures anymore. Honey Lime Tequila Shrimp Tacos have saved the day! How amazing do these look?!
What are your plans for the weekend?
Lisa says
Oh, I so want to try out jello worms now! That sounds kind of cool.
I SO get like that as well when I have no plans, it just makes me feel anxious. Totally the OCD in me.
I kind of wish our October was broken, it’s been pouring rain the past few days!
Happy Friday!
Karen says
It must’ve been “toddler meltdown day” because we were having a rough day over here as well. This weekend, Keely is actually going to an interview at an Ad Agency for toddler modeling, yes, trying to be a “stage mom”…ha-ha jk and Sunday we are planning to meet some family & friends at a bar to watch the Bears game. Other than that…nothing!! Have a great weekend.
Brittany Dixon says
I’ve heard from several parents that yesterday toddlers were going crazy! Maybe there was a full moon?? 🙂
I’d love to hear more about Keely’s journey to hollywood! (am I getting ahead of myself?? ;)) How fun!
Sherry says
You are too cute! I too was excited with the cooler weather we had been having. I made French Onion soup with a big spinach salad on Wednesday and had to turn the AC to 75 degrees so it would be cool enough to eat it.
Surely you have plans to watch the GA game☺
Kelly says
I am all for a little TV to help mellow out the wee ones. It also provides the space and time for Mom or Dad to take a deep breath and have a little space!
Brittany Dixon says
I really try not to rely on TV, but yesterday I almost cried with joy at the site of that goofy little monkey 😉
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
Jello worms?? Wow, how do people come up with this stuff? I am clearly not as creative!!
Karen says
Weekend plans have all been cancelled, we were suppose to go camping and hiking but rain started yesterday and they say it will be around straight through Sunday. Bummer.
Hopefully next weekend is nicer, our first visit with our son is planned and its another camp weekend for us.
Brittany Dixon says
Oh no, what a bummer for sure! You make me want to head outdoors and go camping though. It’s been too long. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that next weekend is nice for you!
Parita @ myinnershakti says
We’re celebrating Vishnu’s birthday this weekend! Should be a good one!
And I know what you mean about not having plans and feeling weird (almost guilty) about it. I’m a part of that same club!
Marjorie says
Any noise our dogs make during the night seem amplified to me. My husband sleeps like a hibernating bear, so nothing disturbs him. We have one dog that snores, and one that talks/barks in her sleep. So funny about the ear shake sounding like a helicopter!
We have out-of-town company staying with us this weekend. So I’ve got some cleaning up to do today before they get here. TGIF!
Brittany Dixon says
Koda snores too! It’s ridiculous. It doesn’t bother David either but I’ll find myself hissing at her in the middle of the night trying to get her to change positions and stop snoring haha!
katie says
Its rainy and overcast here in MN, I would love your warm weather! Enjoy the weekend of no plans, it seems like the perfect excuse to try the crazy jello worms!
Emily @ Perfection Isn't Happy says
It’s still in the 80s in Indiana too, but it’s supposed to drop to the 60s on Sunday. I’ve already been sick all week, so I don’t know if I’m ready for such a dramatic temperature change!
Kelli H (Made in Sonoma) says
haha, the flapping ears is something I am all too familiar with.
I’m semi-intrigued with running right now, too, but I don’t typically go more than 3-4 miles at a time.
Brittany Dixon says
I’d LOVE to get to 3-4 miles at a time. In fact, that’d be my ideal. I’m not pushing it though. Otherwise I’m afraid I’ll rebel and resort to sitting on the couch watching Nashville instead 😉
Jen says
Ahh Wyatt was climbing on tables yesterday, too. I’m blaming preschool haha.
And yay for getting back into running! It will feel much more comfortable once October gets fixed! What is with this weather?
Kristen @ notsodomesticated says
I would love to have a completely free weekend. That sounds pretty great! We’re going to take Addie to a pumpkin patch tomorrow. 🙂 It will be her first time going (obviously, since she’s only 5 months old!), and I’m excited … even if she won’t get too much of a thrill from it, I know I will! 😉
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves says
I’m with ya on that funky October weather. I was sweating outside today! But I would not mind those tacos at. all.
This weekend will be filled with dance as usual and college application work!
Heather @TheSoulfulSpoon says
This so made me smile!:) You’re quite the funny lady!:) I wish I could run close to 2.5 miles! That’s great!:) I’m a power walker myself, but fall usually puts some spunk in my step and I can at least step it up to a jog, but with this heat- forget it! It’s supposed to be 87 here in SC this weekend too. My mom and I had weekend plans to the mountains, but that’s shot because we figured it won’t be a fall-like trip if we’re sweating. Great post, and thanks for the laugh!
Danica @ It's Progression says
Yay for ENJOYING running! That’s the best – when there’s no pressure and you can just go for what you feel. I have 2 weeks left of a half training plan and I’m excited to be done with it so that I can just run (or not run) as I please!
Courtney @ Don't Blink. Just Run. says
It’s so nice to not have anything planned and just kind of wing it on the weekends! This weekend I’m doing as little as possible, but in reality, I’ll probably be doing quite a bit (mowing the lawn, filing paperwork, etc). Nothing major though!
Last night I had my last of 5 races in 5 weeks so it’s nice to have nothing to do. I haven’t even gotten out of my PJs yet this morning…and now just realized it’s noon as I typed this! HA!
Giselle says
Sometimes TV and wine is the best solution to that type of day! Weekends with nothing planned are always so nice. Although we typically end up filling both days with plenty of fun things that keep us busy 🙂
Verna says
How did the jello worms turn out?
Were you able to get them out of the straws?
Where is the receipe for the cat Honey Lime shrimp tacos? They look good!!!
Lori says
what are jello worm straws?
Brittany Dixon says
A bunch of straws that you bind together, pour jello into, then remove them from the straws once set.