Congratulations, you’re pregnant! If you’re like me, one of the burning questions on your mind is whether you’re having a boy or a girl. No need to wait until that 20-week ultrasound; these 10 wives tales for determining the baby’s gender can predict whether to boy pink or blue!
Are you finding out the gender of your baby- or are you waiting?!
We chose to have the ultrasound technician write it in an envelope for us to hold onto and open at a celebratory dinner out! It’s a perfect way for us to honor this exciting moment of finding out whether Baby D is he or a she!
If you’re a pregnant woman and curious about the gender of your baby, there are a few ways to investigate! You could try this affordable gender predictor test or splurge for the more accurate real deal!
But if you are like me and want to compare your symptoms using some fun old wives tales for determining the baby’s sex, I’ve got you covered! None of these tales are scientifically proven, but they are fun to try.
I thought I’d list them all out here then get you to weigh in… here we go!
10 Wives Tales for Determining the Baby’s Gender
1. Heart Rate. If the baby’s heart rate is above 140, it’s a girl. Below and it’s a boy.
This one confuses me because when should you take the measurement? Hailey was 129 at 7 weeks, 169 at 11 weeks, 144 at 15 weeks and 157 at 18 week. So far, baby’s heartbeat has been 165 at 10 weeks, 176 at 13 weeks and 138-141 at 15 weeks.
Predictor says: SPLIT boy/girl
2. How You Carry.
If you are carrying big, round and high, it’s a girl. Low and all in front is a boy.
Well, I’m 5’1”. I carry wherever it can fit, so I feel like it’s all over. I feel my sides have expanded, so…
Predictor says: GIRL
3. Acne.
If your skin gets worse, it’s a girl. If your skin is clear, it’s a boy.
My skin had been rough for me. I usually have clear skin, but I’ve had several big, deep zits show up and stick around. Ugh.
Predictor says: GIRL
4. Cravings.
Sweet cravings means it’s a girl, salty cravings points to boy.
Olives, potato chips, soups… GIVE ME SALT.
Predictor says: BOY
5. Morning Sickness.
If you’re sick as can be, it’s a girl. Feeling fine? It’s a boy.
It’s been more intense and lasting longer than it did with Hailey.
Predictor says: GIRL
6. Skin Test.
Dry, rough skin means it’s a boy. Soft skin means it’s a girl.
…or could it just be winter? Either way, my skin is dry.
Predictor says: BOY
7. Chinese Gender Chart.
Click here to go to Chinese gender calculator.
This ‘method’ told me Hailey was a boy, FYI.
Predictor says: BOY
8. Leg Hair.
If your leg hair grows faster, it’s a boy. If not, it’s a girl.
I haven’t noticed a big difference, but I’m in jeans all the time!
Predictor says: GIRL
9. Mood.
If you’re moodier than usual, it’s a girl. If you’re chill, it’s a boy.
Oh man, have my emotions been all over the place this time! I can cry on cue.
Predictor says: GIRL
10. Mother’s Instinct
I feel like every real (ok, mythical) sign points to girl. However, my gut just tells me boy. It’s important to note that I was also convinced Hailey was a boy! I’m so ready to find out if my motherly instinct has failed me twice in a row or if I’ll be batting .500.
Predictor says: BOY
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Christina says
I think I’m going to make that dessert hummus today! It looks delicious. This is a totally random question, but do they do your hair and make up for the show? Or do you have to do your own? (you look fabulous, so if you do it yourself, I’m super impressed!)
Brittany Dixon says
Hey, thanks!! 🙂 I do it myself, but in full disclosure, I had my hair blown out yesterday by a pro because we took family pictures.
Marjorie says
I predict you are having a boy! 🙂 Based on nothing but a gut feeling.
Regina says
I think the old wive’s tales are hilarious and I, too, with both pregnancies studied every one of them for the weeks leading up to “the big reveal”. For the Chinese calendar, they said both my kids (I’m currently just over 18 weeks preggo with #2) were girls. I’m having my second BOY. With my first son, I craved SALTY. This time, I devoured Halloween candy by the bag full. I’ve always had good skin, even when preggo (very very lucky there). I’ve carried both boys with a very round belly. Both boys have had high heart rates. At one u/s this baby had a HR of 175. And unfortunately both kids killed me on the MS front. I was puking my guts out without Zofran from weeks 5-17 this time around! And yet, I have two boys (well, one on the way). I will say though that both times my gut just said it was a boy. I even said “it’s a boy isn’t it” before the u/s tech revealed the gender. Mama knows best 🙂
On that note, I hope you’re having a boy! Although you make awfully cute little girls what fun to have one of each! But having 2 sisters would be pretty amazing too 😀
Brittany Dixon says
I want to hug you for having to deal with that kind of morning sickness. I had constant nausea, but only threw up a handful of times, so your are much more of bad@$$ than I am! Congrats on two awesome boys- how fun!!
Kate @ Indulgent Wellness says
I’m going to guess girl just because our Hailey’s little sibling is going to be a girl! I was convinced we were having a boy because my first trimester was different with this one…less morning sickness, more exhaustion…but then we found it its another girl! Have you asked Hailey what she wants or thinks it is? Have fun finding out!!
Brittany Dixon says
Oh, congrats on sisters!! That’s wonderful 🙂 Whenever I ask Hailey, she’ll answer based on which option I say last. If I ask ‘are you going to have a little sister of brother,’ she’ll answer brother. If I reverse the order, she’ll say sister. I guess she is torn too 😉
Ashley says
I am soooooo excited you are telling us!!! I can’t be excited with you while still waiting until March to see what our little bundle is. SOOO Fun! I think baby #2 Dixon is a boy but I have no real reason and a terrible track record.
Sisters would be really fun too though. About 80% of the people in my life think we’re having a boy and although I would say I want a girl…I am coming around to the idea of a darling little boy.
SO FUN!!!!! Have a wonderful time this weekend sharing that moment together. To repeat, I am so glad you aren’t keeping it a secret. Yep, I’m a hypocrite! Happy Day from sunny Seattle!
John J. says
Mmmmm, hummus! I’m a convert after today. You were your wonderful personable self again on TV!
Danielle says
I’ve been thinking you’re having a boy since you announced the pregnancy. My sister went through a scare with her pregnancy and I think little boys like scaring their moms. But I also have a horrible track record with guessing things. Lol
Brittany Dixon says
Haha, I like the thought that little boys like to scare their moms- too funny! I should totally add that to the myth list 😉
Ali says
Hmmm… let’s go with a boy!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
I’m not sure why – I just have a feeling it’s a GIRL! 🙂
Al says
I favor the 2 girls thing now that I have experienced it and I selfishly would like our gang to grow from 2moms 2 girl dogs and 3 girls to 4 girls so we can seriously outnumber the Daves!
Having said that, I already put my vote in that it’s a boy.
Oh, and old wives tales are all BS – just coincidence when they line up with reality.
Lastly- I KNEW both mine were girls well before u/s and my last 3-4 predictions have been correct also. Can’t wait to hear!
Brittany Dixon says
Our lives do match up pretty well, so I’d hate to throw off our dynamic… Plus I’d love to see David’s face knowing that his house will be overrun with estrogen 😉 We’ll see soon! <3
Elizabeth @ My Neon Running Shoes says
We went in today and also got “the envelope” 🙂 I also think yours is a boy!
Brittany Dixon says
Ahhhh!!! Awesome!! When will you open it??
Maria says
We’re sharing similar symptoms and I’m convinced this kid is a boy so I vote boy for you too.
chelcie @ chelcie's food files says
my vote is girl!
Tanya @ Vegan Faith says
I think girl! In our house we go by the heart rate. My mom had 3 girls and 1 boy and the heart rate was dead on. My older sister had a boy 8 years ago and his heart rate was always low and then my other sister and I had girls last year, both with heart rates always in the 150s and 160s. Now my older sis is pregnant again, heart rate is 167, and we are praying for another little girl. So my guess is girl for you! Can’t wait to find out!
Leah says
I say girl….I just have this feeling!
Lauren B. says
You always do such a great job on TV! And, I’m going to guess that it’s a girl. 🙂
Mary says
Love this! And keeping it around for when I have babies!!! Rough dry skin could also be due to the colder weather?…
Alise says
I’m going for BOY!!! Counting on you, in fact! 😉
Maria says
I’m really bad at these things, but I think girl. We had a coworker who won every single one of these baby bet things (he’s like 8-0)…sex, birth weight, birth date, etc. He was always dead on. And he’s a 30 year old man. I can consult him if you’d like.
I’ve saved your show to watch when I get off work 🙂
Bobbie says
What is David’s “gut” feeling? I think baby is a girl… Can’t wait to find out and I love the baby posts!!
Jen says
Mine are always split, too! I’m guessing boy for you b/c mama’s intuition is so strong. I KNEW Wyatt was a boy, but I just figured this one was a girl because the pregnancy has been so much worse – and no boy would do that to his mommy. 😉 I’m so excited for you to find out!
Heather says
The dessert hummus looks delicious. I will definitely have to try it sometime. I am guessing you are having a girl b/c of the heart rate and skin issues. The Chinese predictor was wrong for me too, but the heart rate one was right on for us and her heart rate had slowed down to 140’s by about 18 weeks too. I also had really bad acne with my little girl too. Also, there is another thing you can try. My SIL told us last week that a little old lady told her to look at the hair line on your child’s neck. If it comes to a point in the middle then you will have a boy and if it is straight or rounded you will have a girl. Everyone we have tried this on it has proven true. So just lift Hailey’s hair in the back and if it comes to a point you will have a boy and if it is a girl it should be more rounded. Have fun this weekend finding out!
Caitlin says
My twins have had almost the exact same heart rate since the first time it was measured..and it continues to stay the same..yesterday they both came in at 144. I am having a boy AND a girl.. so that old wives tales does not work for me!!
Actually..none of them do since i have one of each..haha
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
I’m going with a boy!!!
Parita @ myinnershakti says
That dessert hummus sounds so good! And your segment was fun to watch! What a great opportunity to share healthy recipes. 🙂
And just want to add my 2 cents…I think you’re going to have a boy!
Kristen @ notsodomesticated says
I can’t wait to find out what you’re having!!! I just love finding out the baby’s gender. I love how the wives tales are about 50/50 for you! I don’t know why, but I’m going to guess girl!
Jen@PregnantDiabetic says
I have no will power when it comes to ultrasounds, I want/need to know! I don’t know how you’re holding out! We have our big ultrasound monday morning and the days are draaagggginnng by!!!
Jessica says
I am only about 13 weeks pregnant, but I will play with my first baby.. a beautiful SON. 🙂
Based on heart rate: girl. It was usually 150-160.
How you carry: Low. boy!
Acne: Worse than normal. girl.
Cravings: oranges and meat. No Clue. haha.
Morning Sickness: Mild and only lasted till 9 weeks. Boy
Skin test: Greasy. No clue.
Chinese gender: boy. boy.
Leg hair. Faster. boy!
Mood: Pretty chill after the first trimester: boy.
Mother’s instinct. I KNEW from 7 weeks on it was a boy. And I was right. 🙂
This time I have no clue. 🙂
I can’t wait until you find out. 🙂
Jenny says
Hmmm…the gender predictor you linked said G was a girl and D was a boy so that was 50/50. My skin is’t fabulous normally but it was with both boys so that was right, as was the faster growing leg hair thing. Heart rate for G was consistently in the 150’s and D although early was 170’s I think it settled back down to the 150’s as well. I have a sweet tooth on a daily basis and I liked sweets when I was pregnant with both too, but I remember needing both sweet and salty with G. I gained more with G but I blame some of that on the ridiculous amount of water I retained because he was a late June baby, and I think I looked rounder with him as well. So wives tales are hit or miss, but I think I’m going to say that Baby D #2 is a Boy 🙂
Can’t wait to hear the news!
Emily says
I’m thinking a girl! I don’t know why but I feel like Hailey was MEANT to have a little sister to be her “doll”!! 🙂
Ancy says
Try this predictor, seems to be true for everyone I know:
When do you find out? I find out at 18.5 weeks (Dec 11). I can’t wait! I am so much more ready to find out with #2 than I was with my son. I feel like it’s a boy, but my dreams keep saying girl!
Cindi says
I’m carrying huge, had massive breakouts, craving sweets, very emotional, and was puking up until 19 weeks. But, am having a boy, so it makes zero sense. I’m going with boy for you too 🙂
Mrs FF says
Didn’t work for me each as most predicted boy aside from the heart rate. I asked my gynae about it and he said it’s more of a predictor closer to delivery than earlier on.
Hmmmm, I think you are going to have a little blue one. My friends had a baker open the envelope and bake them a cake with the gender colour inside the cake. I thought that was such a nice way to find out.
Ashley@cupcakesncrunches says
I think it’s a boy!! 🙂 I was convinced I was having a girl because of all the myths out there…turns out I had a boy! Ha
Can’t wait for you to share the news! Boy or girl, it will be so exciting! Babies are such precious blessings!
verna says
I guess boy. I was sicker longer with my boys. My leg hair stops growing completely when I’m pregnant. Best pregnancy symptom ever by the way! It happens sooner with my boys too.
Sarah says
I’m guessing girl based on higher heart rate. Every single one of the old wives’ tales pointed to boy, and I had a girl! In fact, I carried so low random people would stop and ask me when I was due with my baby boy, haha.
Danica @ It's Progression says
This is so cute, and exciting!! Gosh, based off of nothing, I’m going to guess girl 🙂 Can’t wait to find out! Are you doing anything special for telling your families?
Kaitlyn @Keeping up with Kaitlyn says
My guess is a girl, just based on a gut feeling! I can’t wait to hear what you are having though!! Congrats!
Crystal says
I have carried low and front, skin is clearer and this time I am craving salty(sweet with the first) and I’m having a girl and already have a girl. I knew the first was a girl and thought this was a boy. Those wives tales are just that 😉 they are fun though!
Chantal says
Im guessing girl!
Lee says
I had everything pointing to boy except for the heart rate and it was a boy.
Jess says
I say boy, only because I feel like you got that envelope pretty early! 🙂 For me, I was the definition of carrying a boy (according to the tales) except for the awful morning sickness, and I had a girl.
Michelle says
I was 100% certain with both of my boys that they were boys. Our third was a surprise and it was SO anticlimactic (for me) because I just knew he was a boy. My husband said “it’s a boy!” and I think I said, “Well, duh!” My daughter was more of a surprise, but mainly because I didn’t have a feeling one way or another!
That said – I carried all of my babies similar — all out in front (to the point where everyone guessed boy). All a similar heart rate (although I guess my daughter’s was slightly higher) and all completely different cravings. I didn’t have morning sickness at all with my first boy – but I did with my daughter and my second son. I personally think it’s due to age/hormones, but who knows!
As for you — I’m going to guess girl. I’m usually wrong, so it will probably be a boy!
Natalie says
I have a good track record guessing the gender for other people (myself, not so much). I’m thinking girl for you. Either way, congratulations!
Rebekah Anderson says
Was wrong with both my kids…so I am not a good guesser, even for myself! I’m guessing boy for you…simply because I just had my boy and I’m in love!!! 🙂 I thought I would only be able to relate to a girl (my oldest is a girl) but so far I feel an amazing amount of love and adoration for BOTH my kids. I think you’d love either one, but I’m guessing boy. 🙂
Michelle says
I’m going with boy 😉 Can’t wait to hear!!!
tania says
every.single. old wives tales pointed to a girl for me!
i was totally convinced it was a girl going into my ultrasound, and when the tech announced boy,i was so shocked, happily shocked 🙂
BUT, my motherly instinct, the first moment i found out i was pregnant with this little one, told it it was a boy, and i allowed myself to doubt my own instinct with all the old wives tales predictors..
also, just for fun, a friend bought me a “baby psychic” reading, and that also said girl….
i think i am trusting my gut from now on 🙂
im a few months ahead of you with my first one on the way, so looking fwd to following your second pregnancy!
i just have a “feeling” that my second child will be a girl…we’ll see about that when the time comes.
Bonnie says
I think It’s just so fun trying to guess the sex of your baby. With my first pregnancy I was convinced from the very beginning I was having a girl. No real nausea, high heart rate, carried very round. My manicurist who is Asian says being tired is his predictor for a girl he has Great track record!
30 yrs ago ultrasound wasn’t done so much. I went into the delivery room telling everybody I was having a 6 pound baby girl and they just laughed at me. I actually did have a 6 pound baby girl!! My doctor and everyone around was astounded.
For my second pregnancy 26 years ago I had an amnio so got the results. Again I was convinced I was having a girl. I hesitated a bit when the doctor asked me if I wanted to know the sex of the baby (he called me) my hubby also on the phone piped up yes I want to know. Doc said it was my decision I hesitated, took a deep breath and said yes I want to know. Totally blew me away when he said I was having a boy. I was shocked and amazed!! All the babies in our family were girls. I had girl cousins, 1 sister my mom said we don’t have boys in our family we just marry them! It took me about 10 minutes to get over the shock but I did and absolutely adore my son. He is now 26 & we still have a very close relationship !! I’m so happy to have been able to experience having both a boy and a girl!
My daughter is carrying on the female tradition as she has a two-year-old girl and another girl on the way next month!
My guess for you is girl… Can’t wait for your big reveal!!
Nikki says
At what week did you find out the gender? I am week 11 right now. I was thinking February for me but you appear to have found out kind of early.
Nicole says
I am currently 9 weeks three days with my first. All signs say girl and my gut says girl. Cant even really eat because of the morning sickness and its all day everyday but wouldn’t change the lil thing for nothing. Sorry just thought I’d share.
suganya says
Boy or baby
Hillary says
Im confused. At 14 weeks my sons hb was 160, i barely had nausea, my hair grew like crazy, no pimples, my nipples got darker, i craved nothing but salty food and steak. I also gained a lot of weight. With this one(7 weeks right now) ive had bad morning sickness up till now, the hb was 170, i have pimples, i barely have to shave my legs, i want nothing but sweets and no changes with boobs and ive barely gained any weight. I can barely eat pasta or hamburger.
Could this one be a girl?