I’ve seen several other bloggers do this and it’s really such a cute idea. Basically, let’s pretend we are meeting for coffee and just chat about life for a minute.
If we were having coffee, I’d probably thank you for waiting for me. See, I overslept this morning, which is rare. However, it felt great to snooze until 7:15. I feel like I’ve been on overdrive this week and my body was.begging for it.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I got to hold a newborn yesterday. He was tiny and wonderful and I realized that I totally forgot everything about new babies. Wish me good luck when May gets here.
If we were having coffee, I know I’d talk your ear off about Hailey. She makes my world and leaves me laughing every single day. In fact, can I tell you a story? …
The scene: We were at Target buying coffee for David.
ME: Which one should we get for Daddy?
HAILEY: Dis one! (points at a decaf option)
ME: No, honey, daddy doesn’t drink decaf.
HAILEY: Oh yeah… Dada drinks BEERS.
One observant kid, I tell ya! I’m totally writing that one down in this kid quote book I bought that Ashley recommended.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’d really prefer to be sipping wine instead. I know, beer and wine mentions back to back? Yes. Judge away. I miss an evening glass of wine to sip on when having long conversations with David about life.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that all of Hailey’s big girl bedding is IN. Now I just need to start putting it all together. Mixed emotions, my friends, mixed emotions.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I used to be a real worry wart. It’s faded some now because I keep my mind busy and don’t allow it to wander. Still, there are still days I mentally run through a list of everything I’m so grateful for in hopes that God knows how appreciative I am and knows that I don’t take this life for granted. Life isn’t perfect, but it is what we’ve created it to be and I’m so in love with ours.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m addicted at looking at the 10 day forecast. I’m excited that it will basically be 60 and sunny on Monday, but I really thought we were supposed to get some snow this winter. I’ll be bummed if it doesn’t happen at all!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m already thinking about postpartum fitness goals. I think I want to run a half marathon. It’s crazy. The furthest I’ve ever run is a 10k (once). I’m not a natural runner. It would be hard. That’s all the more reason I’m intrigued by it. One step at a time though… we’ll see!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m reallllllly ready to give baby girl a name, but we still can’t decide on one. I think about it every time I feel a kick or a roll, which I’m getting so many of nowadays. Gosh I love that feeling!
If we were having coffee, you’d see I’m eating laraballs and leftover pizza for breakfast. No shame in my game.
If we were having coffee, I’d ask you what I’m like in person versus how I appear on the blog. I think I’m the same on and offline, but often wonder what you would think. Have we met? What would you say?
If we were having coffee, I wouldn’t be so rude to make the conversation all about me! Tell me…
What’s going on in your world right now?
Jen says
Hailey is too precious! They really say the funniest things. The other day Wyatt couldn’t put the fence to his barn together and I asked if he needed help and he went “oh tooooodles!” I about died.
I hear you on postpartum fitness goals. Nothing motivates me like being pregnant – I can’t wait to race again!
Brittany Dixon says
I would have rolled on the ground if I saw him say that- hilarious!! I love two year olds 🙂
Karen says
If we were having coffee I would love it to be at your home on Monday with 60 degree temps:)
I will also gladly share some of our newly fallen 8 inches we got yesterday.
My world is in a state of waiting. Waiting for our son to start back at school after winter break, waiting for spring to arrive, waiting for our huge kayak convention we attend every year in March, waiting to see green grass again, waiting for our rivers to flow and warm up enough to kayak, waiting ,waiting, waiting…..
It’s funny, kinda like being pregnant, waiting to see your childs face for the first time. I suppose we each have our own things we will be waiting to happen in the near future:)
It was nice having coffee with you.
Brittany Dixon says
Maybe we can trade our snow and sunshine for a day? Not sure I could handle a long winter, but 8 inches of coziness sounds fun for a few days 🙂
Danica @ It's Progression says
I laughed reading that conversation from Target – kids say the greatest things when out in public, particularly 🙂
And I’ve definitely had leftover homemade pizza for breakfast a time or two!
Lauren says
Love this post! Brittany, I have to recommend Fleet Feet’s running programs. I most certainly was not a runner when I started with them in January 2012. I was curious to give it a go — and in December 2012, I ran my first half-marathon (8 weeks pregnant with my little girl)! I just signed up to take another program with them (my 4th!), and it’s the most encouraging, supportive group you could ask for. I’m local, and love the Birkdale FF location. Excited for you! YOU CAN DO IT!
Brittany Dixon says
I got my last pair of shoes at FF (Birkdale!) and am desperately in need of a new pair! I’ll have to check out the programs when I make it in. Thanks so much for sharing your experience and the suggestions!
Jerrica says
I borrowed your idea and it really helped me clear my head. This is a very cute idea!!
Jodi says
Super cute post! If we were having coffee(tea for me;) I would first be excited that I was drinking a cup of tea wo having to reheat it three times before finishing as most days at my home…:)
I would tell you last nite I threw a surprise family birthday dinner at blu star for Jayson and it went great! I would tell you I spent 20 hrs on a slideshow of his life that went great despite me being totally apple illiterate! Woo hoo!
I would tell you I have been very appreciative lately ofy life, family and good fortune. We recently dodged ashore bullet when our condo that we rent had water damage and our insurance is going to cover it ( its significant damage) I lost several nites of sleep over it. To say I am thankful is am understatment!
I would tell you I still trying to figure outt day to include exercises I just still struggle w that. It’s a work in progress, but I just wish I could find a way to make it work. ( like a home gym showing up at my house…)
And lastly, I would w join bantering about our sweet girls. Because, well, why not!?!?!
(Maybe we can accomplish all this tomorrow!!)
Brittany Dixon says
Oh my gosh, Jodi, what an incredible wife you are! Slideshows are my favorite and I’m sure Jayson was blown away. Can’t wait to meet up for real tea together soon! If not tomorrow, we should look at next week 🙂
Karen says
I love this post!!
If we were having coffee: I’ll tell you all about how the house search is going and how I am exciting about seeing a high-rise property that has EVERYTHING! Bike Storage, Storage, Childcare & Playroom, Workout Room, Fitness Classes, Yard, Dog Yard, Views of Lake Michigan and a block away from the beach…what more can a girl ask for in life?!?!
If we were having coffee: we’d probably be talking a lot about Hailey and Keely and watching them play together!!
Jodi says
If we were having coffee, you would also understand me better since it would be minus all the typos I just noticed…
Marjorie says
Love this! If we were having coffee…
I would ask you if this toddler stage means that my house will always look like a bomb went off.
I would wonder how you knew (or did you?) you were ready for baby #2.
I would share that I am excited that I am almost back to pre baby weight, but wished I had started sooner.
And then we would talk food. What we are loving right now, new recipes, kitchen gadgets, etc.
I would imagine that you are exactly what you appear to be on your blog: a great mom, good friend, not pretentious or snooty, authentic, fun and personable.
Brittany Dixon says
Gosh, I’d love to meet you for coffee! I’d talk your ear off about toddlerhood. No, the house doesn’t always look like a bomb went off, but it takes some serious organization to keep it that way (thus my January focus ;)).
Let me know if you’re ever in the CLT area and we’ll talk food and babies all day long! 🙂
Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons says
LOVE the coffee chit chat! =) I can’t wait to start a quote book with the chickpea…. can she hurry up and start talking already?! sheesh!
Kathy says
Neat idea! If we were having coffee, I would probably be drinking water or green tea…I am not a coffee drinker, however I love the smell. I would love hearing about Hailey and getting to know you better. Since I am much older you may have to hear about my 2 teenager girls and what fun we are having at this age. Driving, future college talk, travel softball and yeah, how COLD and SNOWY it has been here in the Indianapolis area!! Snowing right now as a matter of fact. I’ll be down Monday for the 60’s!! LOL! Have a wonderful day!!
Brittany Dixon says
Yes, oh yes, I’d have a million questions for you about your girls. Are the teenage years as scary as you hear about? Are they friends? Are you terrified of them driving? Maybe you wouldn’t want to have a drink with me… I’d basically be interviewing you 😉
Katrina Marie says
LOVE this style of post 🙂
Kid quote books are a neat idea, I’ll have to remember about those..
If we were having coffee, I would tell you I am excited because my cousin is coming home from working for the last five months at Alert in the NORTH POLE! So excited to reintroduce her to daylight..
I would also tell you that I am excited to do a second Christmas celebration with her, I need go to do some baking for her 🙂
Chrissie says
Cute post!
I am a runner and am looking forward to racing again however not sure how to complete training with two little ones. (VERY similar in ages to yours)
I have run five halts and two fuels but only one since becoming a mom!
So I hope you go for this goal so I can see how someone else with two littles trains for a half.
Brittany Dixon says
Haha, GREAT point. I have no idea how I’ll get the training done, but I’m pretty excited about the idea, so stick around and we can help each other figure it out! AHH! 😉
Elizabeth @ My Neon Running Shoes says
I had my first postpartum thinking start yesterday too! It’s fun to plan 🙂 P.S. I’d love to have coffee with you!
Rachel says
If we were having coffee, I’d giggle about you “sleeping in”. I have two early risers so 7:15 is a good day for us! Get all the sleep in while you can, girl!
If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I’m getting burnt out from the gym.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you to not worry; both my kids know all about mommy & daddy’s coffee, beer & wine habits 😉
And of course I’d have to brag about how smart my kids are & how I can’t believe my “baby” will be 2 next month & the oldest almost 5!
Jessica says
“If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I used to be a real worry wart. It’s faded some now because I keep my mind busy and don’t allow it to wander. Still, there are still days I mentally run through a list of everything I’m so grateful for in hopes that God knows how appreciative I am and knows that I don’t take this life for granted. Life isn’t perfect, but it is what we’ve created it to be and I’m so in love with ours.”
I relate to this So. Much. I’m diagnosed with anxiety and have been a worry wart since birth, and I deal with it much like you. Don’t allow my mind to go there. But it usually right before bed that catastrophic thinking can start. I’m just so blessed, you know? Healthy son, healthy daughter growing inside me. Amazing husband who is my best friend. So many people don’t have that. Why am I so lucky? And life can change in a split second. We never know what could happen. I always pray for my little family and am SO grateful for all my blessings and I hope He knows that. <3 Thanks for posting.
Brittany Dixon says
Gosh, it’s SO nice to hear I’m not alone. David isn’t a worrier, so sometimes I feel I have to worry twice to make up for his lack in worrying. Isn’t that silly? But I feel the same way- how did I get so lucky? I finally decided I can’t live life waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t take effort to make myself stop dwelling on what-ifs sometime! Thanks for sharing <3
Paulina says
If we were having coffee, you’d laugh with me about how I’m sitting at my desk right now, bouncing on my yoga ball, 5 days past my due date. My co-worker couldn’t stop giggling when she saw me this morning! I have no shame after four days of very slow starting early labor.
Brittany Dixon says
5 days past?! Unreal! Good for you mama 🙂 Hoping for some baby action to head your way soon!!!
Danielle says
As someone who knows you in person, I can say wholeheartedly that your voice on your blog is virtually identical to your voice in person. Warm, smiley, unpretentious, kind and fun 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Oh, wow, thank you so much, Danielle! That is such a compliment and I really appreciate it <3
Parita @ myinnershakti says
Love these posts! I’ve written a couple but instead of coffee I invited my readers to have milk and cookies with me 🙂
If we were having coffee, I think we would talk about turning 30 (my birthday is next week). And I would want to hear more about mommyhood. 🙂
Brittany Dixon says
Whoop whoop- the big 3-0!!! I can tell from the view from the other side, it’s pretty great 🙂 Happy early b’day! Oh, and I’d talk you r poor ear off about motherhood, so be careful opening that can of worms 😉
Shannon says
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you I’m excited to meet my first baby, a boy, in about 8 weeks or so. I’d tell you how I’m going to go back and read your first few posts from after Hailey was born because I trust your opinions as you do come across as very genuine and real, though I don’t know you in person. And I’d tell you that I’m nervous and excited and anxious and ask you all about that “fourth trimester” stage as I’m trying to prepare. Isn’t it funny how in this age of blogs and digital communities that we can have “friends” we’ve never met? Love your blog 🙂 This post was awesome.
Brittany Dixon says
Oh my gosh Shannon, only 8 weeks away from meeting your baby boy?! That is so wonderful! I have to go back and read some of my posts, too, because I’ve already forgotten it all- haha! I remember lack of sleep and a messy house and a sore body, but also the most amazing feeling when you realize that you brought this brand new little human into the world. So excited for you!
And yes, I love this digital age where I am blessed to have so many ‘friends’ online that are so freaking awesome 🙂
char eats greens says
Dada drinks beers kills me haha!! I cannot wait for those honest children comments (especially since I think Nia is pretty hilarious already, just like you with Hailey :)). I think it’d be SO interesting to meet in person, because I am curious (from your videos) how you would be in person!!! I’d gladly come to Charlotte haha. I swear in the past week, I’ve said it at least 5 times: “I really like Charlotte and would seriously live there!”
Sitting down for coffee, I would need to vent about school, but only for 5 minutes to clear the system, then I would be ALL ears ;).
Brittany Dixon says
Well come on down on Monday and enjoy the 60 degrees and sunny with me! Hailey can play with Nia while we chat 🙂 And I’ll let you vent all you want. I don’t know how you do it- you’re incredible!
Brooke says
Cute post; love your blog!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that we recently got a Vizsla puppy! Her name is Lily and she is 14 weeks old. She is a handful, but I love her more than I thought was possible 🙂 I started a blog where I plan to talk about my adventures as her mom…but I haven’t written any posts yet…I hope to start really soon!
Brittany Dixon says
Is there anything more energetic in the world than a vizsla pup?? Nope, I think not! Oh, I’d love to come snuggle your new pup; they are the sweetest. Start writing, I’d love to hear about the craziness your pup gets into! 🙂
Sarah says
If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I don’t know how you chase Hailey around all day long pregnant! I have a 22 mo old and I’m exhausted at the end of every day and I’m not pregnant.
Sherry says
If we were having coffee I’d be so happy! I’d want to feel baby girl moving. I’d tell you how busy I’ve been with three new listings in the past week. I’d tell you that I’ve started with a personal trainer (geez, I just ate a white chocolate & cranberry cookie while writing this–not on the plan). I’d tell you that I use to worry that something would go wrong with our wonderful life, but I do that much less now. I’d tell you that my “greatest accomplishments” were having you and Kris, and that the greatest gift in the world (besides being married to my best friend) is being a mom and a nana:) I’d also tell you what a super mom, wife, daughter, grand daughter, sister, SIL, DIL, & friend you are! Now, I think I will get another cup of coffee.
Brittany Dixon says
Love you momma! By the way, Hailey called Nana again on the phone today. Hope you are still able to get work done with her blowing up your cell all day long 😉
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
Hailey’s quote is hilarious!! Also, pizza for breakfast is totally acceptable :). I can’t wait to find out what you all end up deciding for the baby name!
Ali says
I want to run a half marathon this year too. I’ve been having back issues since this summer when my dog pulled on the leash and jerked it out of place. Dang dog. I have run some marathons in a previous life, but I think I want to get back to it too!!
Sarah says
Love this post.
If we were having coffee, I’d be drinking tea, telling you happily how last night I got the call to offer me a job. Its been nearly 3 months since I was made redundant, and its just what I wanted, good money, and really makes me feel more positive about 2014 and being able to get the house finished then try for a baby. Id tell you how my Mum cried when I rang her to tell her.
Id ask you for loads of advice on baby’s, and encourage you to have another slice of left over pizza! x
Brittany Dixon says
CONGRATS on the job offer!! That’s wonderful!!
Tatum says
Very cute idea for your post 🙂 one of those days I could really use a coffee!
Chantal says
Hahaha Penny knows Daddy drinks beer too.
Matt @ Runner Savvy says
Leftover pizza is a great breakfast 🙂
Taylor says
I love this post so much! I want to run a half too! The longest I’ve gone is a 10k also and cold pizza is so Oooo good!
Karlee says
Hailey is hilarious : ) too cute. I would tell you that I’m also obsessed with the weather (it’s the planner in me!), that we are having a progressive dinner party this weekend, that my kitchen is full of exposed dry wall, and that I don’t really care 🙂
Lauren B. says
Very cute post! But we wouldn’t be meeting for coffee, since I can’t even stand the smell of it right now (pregnancy aversion!)! So, maybe I could convince you to go for Chickfila or a yoga session or something. 🙂
I’d tell you that I’ve started feeling the baby kick- best feeling in the world!
Courtney @ Don't Blink. Just Run. says
I like the kid quote idea. My wife is a nanny and every year for Christmas she makes a scrapbook for the family with photos of the kids throughout the entire year with the quotes as well.
Mrs FF says
If we were having coffee, you’ll be drinking coffee and I would in all likelihood be drinking some aqua on the rocks (LOL) but I would definitely be enjoying the company and everything you have to say.
Hailey is so funny and I like that even at 2 she knows what daddy drinks!
What’s happening in my world- wishing for cooler weather, the temps have been in the 90s in our part of the world!!!
Mrs FF says
Ps: postpartum fitness is high on my agenda but right is it’s a wish as I’m nursing a fractured ankle but I do hope to be able to run a 5k one day. I can walk 12k but can’t run 500m if my life depends on it
Brittany @ Delights and Delectables says
I so want to have REAL coffee with you! I know we could be good friends. I am throwing around the idea of training for another half… maybe we should train together?? 🙂