As I reflect back over the past year, it’s hard to imagine how much life has changed. A year ago today I didn’t even know that my precious Hailey was on the way, and now here I sit typing next to a cooing, smiley 3 month old.
I looked up my goals for 2011 that I posted last year to see how I did:
- Try parsnip fries – CHECK!
- Read The Hunger Games – Check! Now, I’m looking forward to seeing the movie.
- Run a 10k – My plans got delayed when I found out I was pregnant the day after I wrote these goals
So, this goal was not reached.
- Include yoga in my routine at least a few times a month– Check! I’m proud that I attended prenatal yoga all the up the the week Hailey was born
- Do something (how vague, right?) competely and totally new to me and out of my comfort zone – Um… check!
- Travel on the weekends less so I can meet more friends locally – Although I certainly did travel less, I give myself a so-so on this goal. I did meet more people locally, but haven’t spent as much time as I’d like building deeper friendships with them.
- Become more comfortable giving presentations (AKA: stop my hands from shaking every time I go in to talk to someone new about business) – I do think I became more comfortable, but I also hired someone to go out and market for me, so I kind of cheated.
- Grow some of my own food – Check! … though it was mostly herbs.
- Worry less, live more. – Though it’s hard to measure this one, I think I made progress
My focus this past year was mainly on living a healthy lifestyle to give Hailey the best start to life I possibly could. I focused on eating the right things throughout pregnancy, staying active and managing stress. So looking forward to 2012, I wanted to lay out some goals that will challenge me, help me grow and allow me to continue to focus on my top priorities: my family and my (and their) health. Without further adieu…
- Run a 10k
- Get back into yoga (3 times a month minimum)
- Read 10 books (at least 1 nonfiction)
- Learn a new cooking technique
- Use 5 ingredients in the kitchen that I’ve never used before
- Reach out to and get together with a local friend at least once a month
- Take swim lessons with Hailey
- Go on a date night with Hubbs at least once a month
- Continue to work on being in the moment Hopping on the road this morning… talk to you when I get to where I’m going
I know some people are anti-resolution, but what is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2012?
Gina @ Running to the Kitchen says
Crazy how last year at this time you didn’t even know you were pregnant. So much can change in a year and on the other hand, the year can fly by so quickly!
Since I’m turning 30 in 2012, the one resolution I’m ok with stating is to embrace 30 instead of dread it!
Brittany says
30 is the new 20! Actually, forget that, 30 is WAY better than 20. You’re going to rock it 🙂
Samantha @ Health, Happiness & Skinny Jeans says
In 2012 I want to really say that I am living my best life as my best self by eating well, exercising and learning to enjoy the moment more. It’s been a work in progress for a few years but I feel like this is my year! And like Gina I turn 30 in ’12 so it will be a nice feel better and healthier then ever when it gets here 🙂
Monica Flock says
Work on keeping a healthy lifestyle. I lost 30 pounds last year, then started a full-time desk job. I’ve slowly been gaining the weight back, and want to re-lose the 15lbs I’ve put back on!
Run a 10k. Last year I ran my first (and second, and third) 5k, so now I want to up the ante a little.
Get pregnant by 2013! 🙂
Brittany says
Yay- a fellow 10k buddy!! When do you want to run your’s?
Kelly says
Hmm. I want to get back into my ballerina body shape I use to be in. The desk job! Spend time with more friends. Buy a new house (will be there soon) and possibly start a family. Start a blog (not sure what to write about), live in the moment more. Stop working 16 hr days (1 boring job and 1 fun job). Meet new people (not sure how to do that lol). And Laugh more!
Brittany says
Oh, laugh more is great Actually, all your goals sound awesome- sounds like you have a great year lined up 🙂
Tiff @ Love Sweat and Beers says
Good luck on the goals. I really like that “5 ingredients” one!
Lauren B. says
I just found out that I am pregnant on Christmas morning! Best gift ever! I’m gonna have to go back through and read some of your posts for tips and advice!
Brittany says
Best. Christmas. Gift. EVER. I’m SO happy for you- congrats! I’m sure you’re still glowing from the news 🙂
Baking Serendipity says
You have had such an awesome year 🙂 I love your goals for 2012. Maybe calling them goals instead of resolutions will help me stay a little more focused.
Heather says
love your goals, and so funny you found out you were pregnant the day after making them! I think you kicked 2011 in the butt!
Ashley @ Ashley's Green Life says
Isn’t it amazing how much life can change in a year? I’ve got an 8 month old daughter and things sure have changed a lot for me too. I love your resolution about 1 date night a month with your hubby, I will have to try that with my hubs as well. Oh and being in the moment, going to work on that one too! ( :
Tara says
Very cool! These are the kinds of goals as opposed to resolutions I set last year. Along with some of my friends we came up with lists of 52 Things we wanted to do in the new year and we get together several times over the year to see how we’re doing on our lists. It’s a great way to plan to do fun, exciting stuff and reflect back on it the next year. One of my list items was add another love to our life be it animal or human and I sit here typing with my adorable 2 month old sleeping on my chest. That was a big CHECK! Have a great 2012!
Brittany says
WHat a great idea! Sounds like a fun twist on resolutions. And yes, I’d say that’s a big CHECK. There is nothing better than a baby snuggled on your chest- congrats 🙂
Roz@weightingfor50 says
Hi Brittany. You had an amazing 2011!!! All the best to you and your family in 2012. I know you’ll reach your goals, and MORE!!! Take care!!!
Jamie @ Don't Forget the Cinnamon says
I just bought The Hunger Games today so I guess that’s something I hope to accomplish in the new year!!
I also hope to successfully complete my last semester of college and graduate this spring!!
Lauren says
Ha ha I think I’m on of those anti-resolutionists, but I do hope to travel some this year.
Sarah says
Isnt it crazy how so much can change in a year?! And 2011 seemed to have really flown by.
Tanya @ Vegan Faith says
Can I be your January local friend? As soon as we are settled from the holidays lets get the husbands and us together for dinner!
Brittany says
Sure thing, local friend! 😉 Sounds like a great plan. Hope you had/are having a safe and wonderful trip.
Melissa says
My main goal is to pass the bar exam!!
Kellie says
I posted five, but my main goal is to ask for help when I need it. I try to be superwoman, and it makes everyone less happy. My husband is more than willing to help, so I need to accept that sometimes, I need to let him. 🙂